Version numbering

- x is the number of the WaterSums major version family
- y is the minor version within that major version family
- z is the incremental release number within the minor version family
Occasionally, a fourth number may be used for administrative or emergency patches.
Version categories are:
- Major versions (eg. 1, 2), which include very significant improvements or architectural changes (for example, the addition of an internal Django server in Version 2 when it is released). Upgrades from earlier versions are available at a reduced cost over a new purchase. A new major version of WaterSums is expected every 1½ – 2½ years.
- Minor versions (eg. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2), when significant extra features are added to
WaterSums. Upgrades from earlier major or minor versions are chargeable, but at a reduced cost compared with the purchase of a new licence. New minor versions are expected every 6-9 months. - Incremental releases (eg. 1.2.1, 1.2.2), issued as bugs are fixed, features enhanced and many new features added. These upgrades are available free to users with licenses for the same minor version – the price of a WaterSums licence includes these upgrades. Incremental releases are normally made every 1-3 months.
- Occasionally, we decide that emergency patches are required. These are released as quickly as possible and are available free of charge.
Upgrade policy
A WaterSums licence is sold for a particular minor version number. Incremental upgrades or emergency patches are available free of charge within that minor version number for a period of 4 months even if no software maintenance is purchased. For example, if a licence to WaterSums 1.2 is purchased, upgrades with version numbers starting with 1.2 will be available at no extra charge for 4 months (eg. 1.2.1, 1.2.2, etc.). A new release with a different major or minor version number will be a chargeable upgrade, although we often offer a reduction for upgrades from any previous version as we appreciate loyalty. At times, licenses will be offered which include upgrades to later major or minor versions. This will always be made clear at purchase time.
Software maintenance can optionally be purchased with a new licence and subsequently paid on an annual basis to gain access to all major, minor and bug fix upgrades released during the maintenance period.
A licence for WaterSums allows the owner to use the licensed version or any earlier version of WaterSums which they may choose and have available. Concurrent usage of software in multiple installations is normally not allowed without multiple licences. However, upgrades are a special case and if users wish to test upgrades before removing the old version, this is allowed. Upgrades can be installed on a different computer and run concurrently with the old installation for a period of up to 30 days until you are confident that the upgrade works as expected. Yes, for up to 30 days, you will effectively have 2 licences of WaterSums for your own use.
Licence and Upgrade Pricing
Upgrades are available for free if software maintenance is purchased for a licence. If maintenance is not purchased, upgrades are available for the prices shown in the following table. If you wish to upgrade your unmaintained licence, contact
WaterSums directly.
Description | Price |
WaterSums Software Licence | $1,000 |
WaterSums Software Annual Maintenance sold only:
$350 (35% of cost of new licence) |
Minor upgrade 1 Upgrade from one minor version to another minor version in the same major version family (eg. 1.1 to 1.2 or 1.3). |
$300 |
Minor upgrade 2 From last minor version in a series to the current release in the next major version family (eg. 1.2 to 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3). |
$400 |
Major upgrade 1 Upgrade from a version in one major version family to the latest version in the next major version family (eg. 1.1 to 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3). |
$800 |
Major upgrade 2 Upgrade from a version in one major version family to the latest version in a major version family more than one major version later (eg. 1.1 to 3.0 or 4.1). This is the upper fee limit for a WaterSums software upgrade. |
$900 |
Past policy updates:
- 16 July 2014: added licence and upgrade pricing.
- 26 June 2014: updated expected time between minor releases and major releases.